Feb 28·edited Feb 28

This stupidity is depressing. The arrogance and narcissism it takes to think a dangerous stunt like this will have any effect on Gaza is staggering. In all reality, this is probably UN-helpful. Folks on the fence will see this dumbass horseshit and just write off the whole movement. Like dude fuck off, no one gives a shit that you aren't taking your AIDs meds, least of which the Israeli's. Take your god damn AIDs meds and grow up. No one in the world cares that you're intentionally hurting yourself for attention, and that's what its for. Its not because you think it'll help anyone in the world, its so you can feel self righteous and get attention. Like dude I'm fully in support of Palestinian independence and a ceasefire, I'm not even on the other side of history, this shit is just so stupid. I'm sorry no one in your life has the balls to tell it to you like it is. So I will. Best of luck I hope you don't get seriously sick from this.

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